As most of you know, a few weeks ago I ran in the Lake Monona 20k. For the first time in the seven years that I have run the race, they actually had professional photographers out there taking pictures of all the runners, which I thought was pretty cool. Usually racing pictures are fairly pricey, but these were very affordable so I thought I would order a couple of 5x7's. I thought they turned out pretty nice. Anyways, I thought I would include the two pic's in my blog posting today.

As far as training went today, I did decide to go for a run around the lake. Yesterday, I was contemplating on whether or not to take a day off, but when I woke up this morning, it was just too nice a day not to go for a run. It was sunny and cool out with a nice breeze blowing. Actually, for running for the third consecutive day, my legs felt pretty fresh. Yesterday they were a little sluggish and achy but today they felt strong. I circled the lake in a little more than an hour and 20 minutes, which averaged out to about 7:30 pace. I am taking tomorrow off, though. My legs need a day of rest. Will be back at it on Saturday morning.
Today's workout: 11.1 miles > 1:23:16 > 7:30 pace
Miles this week: 27.3
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