Friday, August 29, 2008

A Much Needed Day Off

Today I took a much needed day off from running. After getting up early to run a six miler yesterday and doing a quality 10 miler the day before that, I thought I would give my legs a break in preparation for tomorrow mornings long run of the week. It's supposed to be a nice, cool morning (in the 50's) and I thought I would get up early before I go to work at Movin' Shoes to get in a run of 15 to 20 miles. October is almost here and the Whistlestop Marathon is on the horizon so I want to take advantage of all the cool mornings I can to get in some quality long runs. I'm hoping to roll out of bed somewhere around 5 am so that I will have ample time to have a little cereal and then go for my run so that I won't have to rush off to my job right after I'm finished. I'll probably be hurting by the late afternoon from the long day but what else is new. My body should be used to it. I also wanted to take today off because my left knee has been a little sore the past couple weeks and it can always use a little break. The soreness is due to the miles my legs have been enduring as of late. My mileage as steadily been going up in this training period (usually mid 40's or more a week) and the knee just gets a little achy because of the overuse. It's normal. Nothing that I haven't dealt with before. I just have to give it some ice and rest here and there and I'm good to go. Even though the first few steps of a run can be a little tender, the soreness generally dissipates as the run goes on. The main reason I took off today is that my body was just plain tired and needed to sleep in a bit today. "Zagnuts" the dog (actually Ziggy) has been getting me up at all hours of the night during this housesitting stint I am on so he can do his part to fertilize and water the lawn. It's very aggravating sometimes and causes me to get some restless sack time. I guess that's what happens when you're an old pooch and you're bladder shrivels up to the size of a shot glass. Even Rip Van Winkle would have a hard time catching some zzzzzzz's at this house. Even though I had to get up several times during the night and morning hours, it felt good to sleep in later than I had been. Hopefully I got enough for tomorrow's 5:00 am wake up call.

Thursday's workout: 6.1 miles > 46:45 > 7:37 pace

Miles this week: 21.3

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