Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Day After...

I knew yesterday's run woud be hard to top... at least so soon after it. After all, yesterday was a pretty idyllic day... or as I called it... Elysium. (I hope you all looked up that word, too.) Today was The Day After Elysium... today was Averagium. Since there is no Merriam-Webster or Cambridge definition of that word (because I made it up), I will give it to you:

Av - er - a - gi - um [av-ir-ah-gee-uh m]
1. a fancy word for "your average"
2. not a place or state of perfect happiness; not paradise
3. non idlyllic
4. an okay day
5. a state of "blah"-ness; a "blah" day
6. nothing to write home about
[Origin: Me; dummkopf; today]

Where else are you going to get a translation like that? What other blog would break down the root and the origin of the word like this one? (Hopefully no one is stupid enough to waste their time doing it!) Anyways, it is true that today's run was nothing to write home about. It was again a very nice, crisp, sunshiny fall day to go for a run, but other than that, it was just and "okay" run. My knees and legs were pretty achy from yesterday's hard effort and it didn't help matters either, when this morning, a little over a mile into my run, I rolled my right ankle running over a grassy area. There was no injury that was sustained... it just scared the crap out of me when I did it. All in all, it wasn't a bad run... but it wasn't a great run either. That's ok, though. At least at weeks end I can say I had one really outstanding training run. Sometimes, that's all you really need.

Today's workout: 5.1 miles > 39:29 > 7:45 pace

Miles this week: 16.2

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