After running yesterday in weather that was an aberration from the normal fall temps, things were back to the status quo today as I laced up my shoes. The temps were very fall like this morning with cool, crisp fall air enveloping my body and filling my lungs. I really wish it could be like that year round... you can't beat it. After having a good, solid 11 miler yesterday for my workout, I had the intention of easing off the gas pedal a bit today but that really didn't come to fruition. Oh, I started off running easy hitting my first mile at a little over 8 minute pace, but as the run progressed, the achiness in my knees gradually dissipated and my pace quickened. It didn't help matters when in my fourth mile I heard a bunch of noisy grade schoolers on their bikes off in the distance behind me. I knew they would be biting at my heels within a few minutes so I made it my mission to pick up my pace even more (especially on the hills) and try to keep them behind me as long as I could. Sometimes doing stuff like that, making a game out of your run, can give you some needed and added pep. It worked. I held off those little shavetails for a good mile or so before they eventually passed me on their bikes, one making a snot-nosed comment to me as he went by. The game didn't end there, though. After they passed me, I picked up my pace even more and did my best to catch up to those impish rascals. I was succeding in doing it too, until they caught on to my little game when the snot-nosed kid looked back and said, "He's catching up to us." With that, they started pedaling feverishly. Ah, it was fun while it lasted and I can credit them with helping to run my last mile around 6:45. Thanks you little rascals... you were annoying, but helpful. Race day is on Saturday... I'll talk to you then.
Today's workout: 5.1 miles > 38:21 > 7:31 pace
Miles this week: 21.3
Thursday, September 25, 2008
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