Monday, November 10, 2008

What Kind of Winter Lies Ahead?

I was thinking this past weekend when I was out for my daily runs that if I were a new runner trying to get a head start on my New Years Resolutions, I might have just said "forget it" and stayed inside to drink hot cocoa and eat oreos. Saturday and Sunday were pretty raw days to be outside getting in some miles. They were both very cold and windy days and my winter running gear got an early test. I knew the weather was going to take a turn for the worse sooner or later but I was really hoping that it would be later rather than sooner. I survived though. It certainly is nothing new to me. Actually, if you put things in perspective, as cold and windy as this past weekend was, it was really like running in Tahiti in comparison to what me and the hardcore runners in Madison had to deal with last year. That was one harsh winter... one that I would rather not relive. The weatherman at the tv station I work at assured me that it should be a lot gentler this coming winter. He made the early prediction of just a paltry 48.2 inches of snow for the upcoming season. I'll take that in a heartbeat. I know the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a lot more snowflakes for the upcoming winter, but our venerable meteorologist says the heck with that. Why? Well, I'll just let you read about it in his station blog and then you can decide for yourself. As for me, I'm holding out hope that David is right. Last year he predicted around 68 inches and we ended up with over 100. Not too close, right? Well, anyone can have an off year. That must just mean that he's due this time around. If he's not... well, lets just say that he be make snow angels face down in the snow;)

Saturday's workout: 11.1 miles > 1:25:16 > 7:41 pace

Sunday's workout: 6.1 miles > 47:52 > 7:51 pace

Miles last week: 40.4

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