Friday, November 21, 2008

Shorts Were a "No Go" Yesterday

Yesterday it was nice to be able to run around the lake again after spending six days on the Westside. Like I said in my earlier blog postings, I enjoy the change of scenery and enjoy running the Camp Randall loop like I had been doing the past few days but it's always nice to be able to run "my home course" which is Lake Monona. With as many times as I've run it (probably well over a hundred times), you would think I would be sick of it but I'm not. It's one of the nicest loops there is. Of course, I'm a little biased in thinking that. Anyways, it was nice to be back on the east side, even despite the brisk weather. Initially, after waking up, I put on shorts thinking that I could run in them like I had the past few days. I was wrong. After stepping outside and having the chilly November wind hit my bare legs, I had second thoughts, turned right around and went back inside to put on long running pants. It was just to chilly, especially with the strong wind. If there wasn't such a harsh wind blowing, I probably would have persevered and stayed in shorts but that North wind was just too strong and chilly. It really made running towards the Monona Terrace tough... like running into a brick wall. I knew I would get a reprieve the second half of the run and I did. Those northerly wind gusts that were holding me back for the first five miles gave me a gentle push in the back the second half and it was a very welcome push. Like the past several runs, yesterdays pace wasn't a blistering one (7:51 avg.) but that was fine with me. I know my average pace per run is going to start to slow a bit with the imminent winter weather coming. It was just nice to get in a solid 11 miler around the lake again.

Yesterday's workout: 11.1 miles > 1:27:09 > 7:51 pace

Miles this week: 19.5

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