Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, after taking a couple recovery days off from the race on Saturday, I hit the road again this morning to get in my last few weeks of training for Grandma's Marathon. I was anxious to get outside and get in a good run around the lake and see how my legs would respond to an 11 miler only a couple days after having a hard effort. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Starting out I wasn't achy or stiff at all, and my legs felt surprisingly fresh. During the run I felt very relaxed and strong, and in the last several miles I had very good splits of 7:17, 7:17, 7:29 and 7:16. My average per mile for the 11 was around 7:29. Not too shabby for someone who just raced a couple days ago. Will probably just run an easy 5 tomorrow and maybe another 11 on Thursday before giving myself a day off on Friday.

COMING SOON!: Hopefully sometime this week, I will be putting on the blog an audio interview with Scott Keenan, race director for Grandma's Marathon. I talked to his P.R. person today and he said Scott would be happy to answer a few questions of mine about the race, it's history and the things they have planned for the marathon weekend. This is something that I am hoping to do regularly... find interesting and influential people in the running community throughout the United States, record their conversations, and put their insights on the blog for everyone to enjoy. I figure it's high time to use that communications degree I got for something other than just helping to put newscasts on the air Monday thru Friday. I will keep you posted!

Today's workout: 11.1 miles > 1:23:05 > 7:29 pace

Miles this week: 11.1

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