Friday, May 9, 2008


For the last several weeks I have been stewing over the fact that Madison has yet to turn on the water fountains around town. This may not seem like a big deal to most people, but when you are out and about running 10 to 20 miles at a crack you can sometimes get a little parched and a cool drink of water does your body good. I can understand why they have them off during the winter months... they don't want the the pipes to freeze, and after enduring one of the harshest winters Madison has ever seen with well over 100 inches of snow, the pipes were shut off with good reason. With that said, it hasn't snowed here for several weeks and temps have gotten considerably milder. Yet, it seemed every time I headed out to do a long run and stopped at a fountain to get a drink of water, I found them invariably still shut off. A couple years ago, I could have cared less if they were turned off. I always ran with a water belt and would take a drink whenever, but after awhile I really got sick of strapping the belt on. Mentally, it just seemed to be very cumbersome, plus every once in awhile the belt with dig into my skin around my waist and cause some serious chaffing. Before, I hated stopping at water fountains because I didn't like coming to a halt and interrupting my running rhythm... especially if I had a good pace going. Plus it always seemed harder to get your legs to turn over like you wanted to after having stopped for a bit. But after getting sick and tired of the running belt, I got used to stopping at fountains really fast.

With that said I headed out this morning to get in my long run for the week. I wanted to get in at least a good 16 miler since the Syttende Mai Run is a week from tomorrow. The weather was idyllic today. I love running when its overcast and cool and there is a hint of a breeze. I generally always run great in that type of weather. After heading out from my apartment in Monona, I ran down to the Vilas Park/Zoo area and after a good opening 5 miles I stopped at a fountain... and was disappointed. Still no water. What a pisser. I took my carb gel and headed on. By mile 10, I was up at the capitol square. I stopped at one of the several water fountains around the capitol but wasn't hopeful. If there was no water here I would have to go into Starbucks, all good and sweaty, and ask for some. I pushed the metal knob and to my ultimate surprise, water bubbled out. I know it may seem like a small thing but to me having a good water supply on your running route is a big thing. It was a nice gift. The Madison Water Co. must have known it was my bday.

A quick sidenote: While running this morning, I noticed an inordinate number of squad cars driving about the capitol city. Squad cars from different towns, cities, and counties. Once I got up to the capitol and was running around its square I noticed that the police were holding a special ceremony at one of the corners of the capitol in honor of all the fallen police officers in Wisconsin. The area was all cordoned off and police in full dress uniform were marching around the Fallen Officers Monument. It was a pretty cool thing to see as I circled by. I found out through the tv station that I work at that since 1844, more than 245 law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty in Wisconsin.

Another little sidenote: Since it was my birthday, I decided to break my streak and treat myself to some ice cream. I hadn't had any since November. Went to Cold Stone Creamery and had a cookie dough sundae... it was good.

Today's workout: 16.1 miles > 1:59:32 > 7:25 pace

Miles this week: 39.4

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