Monday, July 21, 2008

A Monday Morning "Guilt" Run

Yesterday I stated in my post that the family reunion and graduation party I went to this past weekend were nice rewards for the 43 miles I logged last week, and a good portion of those miles in the sweltering heat. That was true. They were nice rewards. However, after a weekend of gorging myself with brats, hamburgers, potato salad, chips, soda, beer and cake, there is nothing like guilt to help pry your butt out of bed and get you motivated to go for a morning run. It really does wonders, especially since I wasn't originally planning on running this morning after two consecutive days with 6:30am wake up calls. My body needed a break... but that all powerful "guilty" gray matter in my brain won out. It said I had to atone for defiling and debasing my body with all the wholesome goodness and nutrition that the Cheesehead State has to offer. Gee... imagine that. So with that, I headed out this morning to get in 10 mile atonement. Even though I was longing to go back to bed, once I stepped outside, I thought the run had the possibility of being a good one. The skies were nice and overcast and it was fairly mild out with a nice breeze. Despite putting in some good miles the past couple of days and getting up fairly early to do so, my legs felt surprisingly fresh and I was able to circle the lake averaging 7:33 pace. It was a great run and the guilty part of my brain was satified with my penance, but tomorrow... no matter what... I'm sleeping in.

Today's workout: 10.5 miles > 1:19:15 > 7:33 pace

Miles this week: 10.5

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